In this video, we will learn how to digitally clean up lines in our sketches, using different pens and erasers. We will refine our body structures, leaving a clear structure to build on.
In this video, Rene will teach us his method for adding volume to the bodies of our characters. We will apply the rules of geometry and anatomy to create solid-looking muscles and body parts.
In this video, Rene will give us an exercise to practise drawing body structures from three different perspectives.
In this video Rene will demonstrate how body structures should be used to create the Toon style. We will see the importance of using these structures as a base and how they apply to both formal and Toon styles.
In this video Rene will show us how we can apply the principles of body structure to create ‘chibi’ and ‘cute’ styles. We will learn to apply principles such as exaggeration and character development to give life to our ‘chibi’ and ‘cute’ style drawings.
In this exercise, we must draw figures in dynamic poses, in either a formal or a Toon style.
This video will give a brief introduction to female body structures and an overview of what to expect in the coming classes.
In this video Rene will show us how to approach drawing basic female body structures adhering to a formal style. We will be applying the basics of body structure, taking into account the subtleties of the female form.
In this video we will learn how to draw clothes on our characters. Rene will demonstrate the importance of body structures and how they play an integral role in creating clothes that look natural and realistic.
This is an exercise video in which Rene will present us with a selection of photographs to be used in the current exercise. We will need to choose one, and use it as a reference for a drawing.
In this video, we will learn how to represent motion and dynamics in our drawings in a natural, realistic way. Rene will teach us how to use dimensions and our own common sense to produce the desired results.
In this video, Rene will teach us how to apply our knowledge of body structures to produce different Toon sketches. He selects a few different ideas to show we can vary our sketches in terms of pose, motion and dynamics.
In this video, Rene will be developing one of the sketches he worked on in the previous Sketches video. He will demonstrate how to add clothes and personality, using body structures as a base.
This is an exercise video in which we must create both a male and a female character based on the body structures that we have been working on.
In this video, Rene will teach us the importance of owning a sketchbook and why we should have it to hand at all times. We will also learn how Rene personally uses his sketchbook, and the methods he uses to get the most out of his sketching.
In this video, Rene will give a demonstration of sketching the female form in a multitude of poses and expressions.
In this video, Rene will show us the utility of sketching the male form in various poses and perspectives in his sketchbook, highlighting the importance of body structure.
René Córdovaは、イラスト業界で13年以上の経験があり、Marvel、Lego、DC、Amber、Karaokultaなどのクライアントのために働いています。彼は漫画家としてキャリアをスタートし、今でもそれを楽しんでいます。
経歴21 Drawは、初心者から上級者まで、あらゆるレベルの学習者がアートスキルを向上させることができるオンラインコミュニティです。 参加している講師は、世界的に有名なアーティストばかり。ディズニーやマーベル、DC、ドリームワークス、ピクサーで活躍するトップアーティストによるビデオレッスンが、私たちのプラットフォーム【www.21-draw.com】で見放題です。会員になると、これら全てのレッスンに無制限にアクセスすることができます
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