Procreateがなくても心配しないでください。PhotoshopやClip Studioでも大丈夫です。
Let the fun begin! Get ready to put stylus to canvas in this lesson, starting out with constructing your background with the help of some awesome digital tools.
Grasp key composition principles that aid in good storytelling, such as the low, mid, and high horizon lines, when to use thick and thin line art, and how to give plants a natural, organic look.
Simone will also show you in detail how to draw straight, accurate lines and angles using the Perspective grid and ‘Assisted drawing’. Just these tools alone will make your life soooo much easier!
Having the background defined before adding the character makes it much easier to integrate them together nicely.
But, how do you fit a character into a background and ensure that it’s the correct size and angle? Simone will share her personal tricks to accomplish this and explain the basics of semi-realistic anatomy, including how she draws hands, heads and torsos. Sweet!!!
You’ll also learn the steps she goes through to take a rough character to the final line art stage, such as starting with the ‘body bean’ and why, using the Warp Tool to adjust size and angles, drawing joints to help with proportions, thinking about volume and more!
Moving on to the exciting part: adding color to your illustration! Simone shares industry techniques for coloring such as blocking in the base colors, using clipping masks to color different elements quickly, and adding variance in hue/ saturation.
Plus she also explains personal hacks she uses time and again to create a more natural, traditional feel, such as painting red as the base color, using Multiply for shadow, and manipulating watercolor brushes.
Explore the fascinating topic of painting light and shadows, giving your artwork a sense of depth and realism. You’ll learn about indirect, direct, bounced, and rim light, ambient occlusion, and more and understand how to add them to your digital painting.
Your instructor will also show you the tools to adjust your lighting and shading until it looks just right! She’ll continue working on her background scene, explaining exactly what she is doing so you can follow along!
Learn how to add finishing touches in this last session that really bring all the elements together for a cohesive final look, with the character fitting seamlessly into the background.
Simone will teach how to color the line art, intensify lighting and clean up messy edges, use blend modes such as soft light and screen, and more to achieve the desired effect.
Well done! You’ve made it to the end and acquired lots of new skills on the way! Bravo!!!
Simone Grünewaldは「Schmoe」としても知られ、ドイツ出身のビジュアル開発アーティストです。彼女はゲーム業界で10年以上アートディレクター、キャラクターデザイナー、2Dアニメーターとして働いていました。
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