Most of you have heard of Loopydave, a one-of-a-kind illustrator hailing from Australia. Now, he’s your instructor. Meet Loopydave where he will be exploring designing & drawing animals and the process of creating one digital painting from start to finish.
In part 2 of Creature Design Loopydave will walk you through the idea and sketching process. Watch how he in a structured way develops to an illustration that will be followed through in subsequential videos.
Now we have created a design that is ready for us to work out the colour. In this lesson Loopydave will start off by sharing with you some concepts of colour itself and a few helpful terms, before he continues on with the illustration of Larry the Croc, by focusing on colour.
Exercise sheet included
Exercise sheet included
In lesson 4, Loopydave will start off with a quick look at lighting: glance through some terms and fundamental ideas, run through a few lighting setups and how they might be useful, and talk about easy ways to go about using lighting in our art. He’ll also talk about ambient lighting and more. Loopydave will of course put Larry the Croc in the spotlight in this tutorial to apply all these ideas before moving on to textures in the next lesson.
Exercise sheet included
The secret in painting good textures is understanding how they are different from one another. For example a crocodile skin looks different to that of its eyeball or its teeth. In this lesson Loopydave will go through the fundamental understanding of texture, breaking it down to four simple categories, in order to make the textures look right in the final illustration.
In this tutorial we will put the finishing touches to our illustration as well as analyse the results.
Exercise sheet included
チュートリアルへようこそ! 概要の簡単な説明です。
An overview of the main brushes Kenneth uses in the design process.
See how Kenneth uses layers to start building up light, shade and colour.
The importance of tone/value to an illustration and how it can be used to your advantage.
Using shape language to create a character design with unity.
Using story to sell personality and bring life to an illustration.
Watch how Kenneth uses a reference to kick start the creation process and fill in gaps in his knowledge.
Starting with thumbnails, see how Kenneth starts to figure out his creature design.
Using the thumbnail of his choice Kenneth starts to paint it up in this lesson.
Watch Kenneth take a step back and evaluate his image so far. Is it working effectively?
Using the notes from before, Kenneth continues painting.
Kenneth looks at his final image and reviews the concepts used in its creation.
経歴ケネスは14年以上の経験を持つプロのキャラクター・デザイナー。英国を拠点に、BBC、ディズニー、タンデムフィルムズ、アクシスアニメーションといった企業と仕事をしてきた。また、シルヴァン・ショメット監督のアカデミー賞ノミネート作品『イリュージョニスト』やフランスの長編映画『Titeuf:Le film 』を手がけた。 ケネスは、ストーリーを重視したキャラクター・イラストレーションと特に子供向けテレビ向けのデザインを専門としている。余暇にはキャラクター制作、雑誌のイラスト、ゲーム制作に情熱を注いでいる。
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