This lesson is chock-full of advice, tips and tricks from Laia’s. There is a TON of awesome stuff here for YOU!
Laia will show you how to draw eyes at different angles and for different ages such as children, teens and adults. Using three different characters, she’ll show you how to make each of them mad, sad, happy and worried. Important skills to learn!
You’ll learn some incredible tips for drawing different hairstyles, and clothing, showing you how to make it drape and fold realistically over the body.
You’ll then learn the basic structure of the human body—male, female, child, teen, adult—and discover how to modify it to create different body types. Using references, you’ll explore how each pose has a line of action and learn to create characters based on that.
Then you’ll learn some exciting tricks for drawing dynamic and creative poses, showing you how to use the line of action—without the use of references.
1 Assignment
1 Layered Photoshop File
Step-by-Step Process File
Final Image
You’ll follow along with Laia as she helps you learn new composition skills. You’ll learn how the mysterious rule of thirds works (just kidding, it’s not that mysterious!).
Laia will show you how to make the illustration look balanced and eye-catching, by helping you create composition lines, and frame your focus point. The beauty of this part is that you’ll be encouraged to be as sloppy as you can, just getting those brilliant ideas out of your head and on to paper, for later polishing.
After that, Laia will show you how to use different types of layers to color and shade your artwork. You’ll learn how to create a specific mood for your scene, using shading and testing color palettes.
Finally, Laia will show you how to ink smooth, clean line art on top of your sketch. After that, you’ll learn how to color and shade the entire illustration, getting her personal tips and techniques for how to best do so.
So if you like what you’re reading and you want to become the artist you’ve always thought you could be, please feel free to jump in and start learning with the one and only Laia Lopez!
1 Assignment
1 Layered Photoshop File
Step-by-Step Process File
Final Image
ライアはインスタグラムで120万人以上のフォロワーを持つスペイン人アーティスト。独特なアートスタイルと挿絵入り小説「Strawberry Moon」「Royalty Witches」、画集「Gleaming-The art of Laia López」で世界的に知られている。
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